The default value for the genetic code for a nucleotide sequence translation is read by UGENE from the sequence file when it is available. Show all frames - show all amino acid sequences.
There are three frames for the sequence ('+1', '+2', '+3') and three frames for the complementary sequence ('-1', '-2', '-3'). Note that the complementary frame items are hidden in the menu, if the complementary sequence is hidden. With few exceptions, the amino acid sequence deduced from the DNA sequence agreed very well with the amino acid sequences of several peptides reported. Set up frames manually - select the reading frames to show.Translate selection - translate only a selected region of the sequence and the complementary sequence.Do not translate- hide the amino acid sequences.The Show/hide amino acid translations menu allows one to set up the mode of the amino acid sequences visualization: The translation settings are available on the left toolbar of the Details View: It is possible to translate them and show also the corresponding amino acid sequences: The sequence of DNA may be associated with the sequence of amino acids, and the sequence of amino acids to the three-dimensional shape of the protein. When a nucleotide sequence is opened in the Sequence View, the sequence and its complementary sequence are shown by default in the Details View.